does a subscription come with financial compensation for the therapy i’m undoubtedly going to need after this??

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this is fake.. I’m skeptical that you willingly wear denim

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Seems legit

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i have never known truer fear.

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stay tuned

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awaiting the next cast member with an even split of awe and terror

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(eyes narrow) Wait a minute. This isn't scientifically possible!

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To you

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If it was Jim Beaver I'd believe it. I hope he gets an A+.

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so you never even got to touch his jensen ankles?

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What a mind-bending experience... Exciting, some might say✨

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oh i am rather upset i think. god bless.

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This is obviously fake, his eyes are NOT brown they are hunter green moron

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This is fic

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Wow, I'm SO sorry dude, I couldn't tell, I thought it was totally possible for a human being to unhinge their jaw and swallow another human being whole in real life

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genuinely love this. really evocative language and very funny. you're an artist. i wait with bated breath for the next cast member

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this is the best evidence for predestination.

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Funny, this is exactly how I’d imagine a sexual encounter with him as well. Top notch, love ya Mike!

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Excited to hear the true accounts of your sexual experiences with the other cast members <3 Can't wait for the Speight edition

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Do you think this really happened? you are so weird

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If I end up with a vore fetish because of this I’m going to be pissed

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What the fuck!

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Quoi de la fuck?

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